Josh marketing quote

API Employee Spotlight: Josh J.

Josh has been on the team here at API for over five years so far. He credits this to a variety of factors, including a fascination with the rubber-making process, a variety of coworker personalities, and the pride that comes with taking on the challenge of working in the industry.

We sat down with a few of our outstanding employees at American Phoenix, Inc. to talk to them about their experiences here. In this edition we hear from Josh, an Inventory Control Specialist whose fascination with the rubber-making process has encouraged him to stay on our team for over five years so far.

New Challenges Everyday

Josh knows that working in the rubber industry is a unique job, and that’s what he likes about it. “I learn something new everyday. I like the challenges… It takes a certain person to be able to do [the work that we do].” The equipment utilized in the plant is not something most people have exposure to, and it takes a motivated individual to be able to take on the task. If you’re willing to keep learning about the rubber-making process, you’ll be able to get an in-depth knowledge about where the product comes from and where it goes.

A Job for Everybody

One of Josh’s favorite parts about working at API is the variety of personalities of all the individuals within the company. He says that you often get to know people who are different from those you might usually interact with. And, “what’s great about this place [is that] there’s a job for every type of personality here.” Whether you pride yourself on your strength, technical knowledge, or independence, you’re likely to find a position that caters to your individual skills.

Rubber-Maker Pride

When it comes to the type of work that is performed at API, Josh believes that they can feel good about it. Sometimes the work can be hard, the machines intimidating, the environment less-than-sparkling-clean, and the industry and processes a challenge to learn, but you get out what you put into it. When a great-quality product is sent through the door it is considered a job-well-done. He says that “there’s a pride here at American Phoenix… I think all the workers here feel that pride.”

Josh’s final piece of advice to someone who wants to be successful at API: “Ask a lot of questions and really pay attention to your surroundings… If you work really hard you’re gonna get rewarded.”

If a position at American Phoenix, Inc. sounds like the right fit for you, visit our careers page to see how you can join our team today.

To learn more about rubber-making and the pride that comes with working in the industry, check out our blog.

Fawna marketing quote

API Employee Spotlight: Fawnna

Fawnna has been a dedicated team member here at API for over eight years. She loves the people she works with, the judgement-free environment, and the rewards she sees from each day’s hard work.

We sat down with a few of our outstanding employees at American Phoenix, Inc. to talk to them about their experiences here. In this edition, we hear from Fawnna, a Control Room Operator whose love for the people on her team at API has kept her going for over eight years.

Love the People

If there’s one thing that tops Fawnna’s list of why she keeps coming back to work at API each day, it’s the people. She cannot sing enough praises about the meaningful connections employees build with each other to provide support. “I love the people I work with. The management [is] easy to communicate with, and the people are just great.” Fawnna even inspired her brother, Josh, and nephew, Alex, to join the team and now gets to work alongside some of her family.

No Judgement Zone

Because the people she works with are so wonderful, Fawnna feels very comfortable coming to work each day and being able to be herself. From management down, she knows that she can talk about anything without judgement. She credits her position at API with helping her to continue growing in both her personal and professional life. “This place helped me build up from the bottom… I could come [in] without having any judgement or [being] looked down upon.”

Making it Right

Fawnna believes strongly in the value of hard work and is committed to putting her best foot forward in what she does each day. “I like competition and I want it to be right. So I work at making it that way.” She is a big proponent of following paths that will lead you towards your goals and is confident that API has helped her with that along the way. These ideas are often shared with her brother and nephew, who she encourages to constantly continue learning and growing.

Fawnna’s final piece of advice to someone who wants to be successful at API: “It’s easy. Show up, work hard, and just be yourself.”

If a position at American Phoenix, Inc. sounds like the right fit for you, visit our careers page to see how you can join our team today.

To learn more about rubber-making and the pride that comes with working in the industry, check out our blog.